Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ask STE7EN!!!

So, I decided to make a section on my blog called "Ask STE7EN!" and I'm going to need a little bit of help from you readers.

I need a couple of you guys/gals to send a bunch of questions for me to answer; whether it be advice or something you'd like to know...anything will be cool. I just want to hype up my blog and give out a few Doug Funnies. So here is my contact info if you'd like to participate. Please and thanks!

contact info:
Email: Ask_Ste7en@yahoo.com
AIM: STE7ENlicious
Myspace: www.myspace.com/ste7en469
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iste7en

You guys/gals can contact me thru any one of those. Thanks again. I'll give it a week for the questions to add up, record and edit a vid, and post on blog for your viewing pleasure. I have many more ideas for my blog. You'll see them come up as we go. Let's hope this first one is a real hit. Thanks! (oh btw, I'm not trying to copy TimothyDeLaGhetto. Just tryin to hype up my blog.)

Ste7en himself.


CJisdacoolest said...

first question..... for you to answer..

why do you have a very big penis?!?

frankthespank said...

second question..... for you to answer..

do u wrap ur big penis around ur waist or do u keep it in a sheath down ur leg?!?